Women's Health

Libido Dysfunction

Once women enter menopause, many experience hot flashes and night sweats. The main issue is the loss of libido. Interest or desire for sex declines. Some are unable to become aroused, while others cannot achieve orgasm. Moreover, vaginal dryness and atrophy, as well as painful sex, can also result in a loss of libido.

The incidence of female sexual dysfunction is high. About 40% among normal aging postmenopausal women and close to 100% among breast cancer survivors who have been on an anti-hormonal therapy.

We offer help. Contact us for a consultation to see what we can do for

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Understanding Hormonal Imbalances and Compounded Hormone Therapy

Hormones play a crucial role in the intricate workings of every cell in the human body. Regardless of age, a woman's hormonal balance is vital for overall well-being. The ovaries produce key hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. An imbalance in just one of these hormones can adversely impact others, leading to various menopausal and premenopausal symptoms:

Can Hormones be Compounded and Custom-Made for Me?

Absolutely. Our compounding pharmacists collaborate with you and your healthcare provider to:

Creating Customized Delivery Forms

We offer hormone medications (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Pregnenolone, & Thyroid) in various personalized delivery forms. These forms enhance compliance, maximize therapeutic potential, and minimize the likelihood of unwanted side effects:

Empower yourself with compounded hormone therapy tailored to your individual needs for a healthier, more balanced life.

Our pharmacists are skilled and knowledgeable to work closely with you and your physician to find the right balance of HRT to compound for you. Also, our pharmacists are also available to offer consultations and answer questions that you may have.

ACRX Specialty Pharmacy compounding pharmacy uses the highest quality of natural hormones when compounding Hormone Replacement Therapy. We use plant derived hormones that are acquired from FDA-registered facilities. We set forth very high standards, and we want to make sure that you receive the highest quality compound possible.

Hormonal imbalances create many different type of health problems for women. Our team of specialists provide customized therapy solutions for all patients in conjunction with medical providers.

As a compounding pharmacy, we work with different methods to help with hormonal imbalance. One way is using modified animal hormones and synthetic hormones to correct imbalances. We also offer many other types of hormonal replacement therapy for women. Please check with us to see how we can better serve you.